Young Adults
Young Adult Ministry
We welcome anyone 18 - 35ish to join us once per month for our Young Adult Chavurah!
The upcoming dates and times are announced during Shabbat services and also shared in our private chat group on Telegram. To join the group, go to the information desk in the foyer of the synagogue ask them about the Young Adults!
Those who are about to age out of the Youth are also welcome to experience what it’s like to be with college and career folks.
What to Expect
We typically meet in a classroom on Hope of Israel’s campus, but we also will meet in a home occasionally.
Our monthly Chavurah typically lasts 3-4 hours and goes like this:
Meet & Greet
Drash & Discussion
(Sometimes: Havdalah and/or Games)
What to Bring
Just yourself!
(However, if you’d like to bring a side dish, please ensure it contains no pork or shellfish.)
We can’t wait to meet you!
Outside of the Chavurot, our group gets together frequently to do activities like:
Post-service group lunch
Coffee hang-outs
One-on-one discipleship or discussion
Movie nights
Finally, be sure to ask about our annual Young Adult Retreat (usually in Feb. or March) and the Apologetics Conference (Oct.) we attend as a group. HOI even offers scholarships to help people attend who otherwise wouldn’t be able to.