Our Services
Our Services
We want you to feel right at home here at Hope of Israel Congregation; this is a house of prayer for all people! Some of our jargon may be new or different to you and we don't want it to be a distraction.
A free information packet is available for all guests to help you understand why and how our services may be different from what you're used to, as well as to explain some of the Hebrew we typically use.
Our main service starts each shabbat at 10:30AM and lasts for about ninety minutes. Please stick around after the service and join us in oneg for bagels, coffee and fellowship on us!
9:30 AM | Sisterhood Shabbat School
9:30 AM | Brotherhood Shabbat School
9:30 AM | Youth (Teens) & Childrens’ Shabbat School
10:30 AM | Worship Service
7:00 PM | Tuesday Evening Study
7:00 PM | Ladies’ Bible Study