Messianic Men’s Retreat - Details
$75.00 Registration fee includes Dinner on Saturday night, Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday along with all conference materials.
Accommodations Details
special rate at Home2Suite $124.15/night for a single or double occupancy. when booking, use the code MMC. This rate is good for Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Call hotel directly to make reservations.
If you wish you can look for other accommodations in the area. We suggest booking your accommodation Friday night and join Hope of Israel for Shabbat morning activities (men's fellowship, Shabbat service and worship)
Home2 Suites by Hilton
5110 Piper Station, Charlotte NC 28277
Ph 980-215-0062
Conference outline - The Struggle is Real....So is Yeshua
Book of 1 Peter
1. Suffering in your personal life, 1:6-8, 14-16, growing in holiness thru the struggles of life
2. Suffering in your social life, 2:11-21, in the community, with government, and at work
3. Suffering in your marital life, 3:1-7, when marriage is a challenge
4. Suffering in your congregational life, 4:7-9: commitment to one another
5. Suffering in your spiritual life, 5:5-9 spiritual warfare
Questions? Please email Hope of Israel Brotherhood