HOI Announcement Request

  1. Ministry Leads can request Announcements. If Ministry Lead assigns an individual to request announcements, the ministry must send an email to AV@Hopeofisrael.info giving authority to that individual to request announcements for that ministry.

  2. A log of individuals who have been given permission by the ministry lead will be used to ensure that non-authorized individuals are not submitting request for announcements, per each ministry.

  3. All authorized individuals will send announcements request to AV@hopeofisrael.info by Wednesday at 12 noon deadline. Requests that missed the deadline will be done on the following week.

  4. All request will require 2 or 3 sentences describing the outreach needing to be mentioned, Date of event-Time-Location-Purpose-Target audience (all, men, women, Youth, etc..)-Who to see for details.

  5. The AV email group is composed of David Taylor (leadership oversight), the AV team (able to request PPT details if needed), Carly Trine (Bulletin Editor with liberty to trim down the wording on the bulletin if too long), and Dimitri Nunez (Announcement team voicing them on Shabbat).

  6. Do not send announcement request to weekly.announcements@hopeofisrael.info, they will not be processed as announcement request.

  7. Special Announcements will require the person giving the announcement, to meet with the AV team prior to Thursday evening of the week of the Special announcement to ensure all Audio, Video, PPT slides, and duration is confirmed.